Spring and Fall Outdoor Maintenance Check List

Home / Podcasts / Spring and Fall Outdoor Maintenance Check List

This is a great time of year to do some outdoor scanner work

What should you be looking at when surveying your equipment?



What You Will Learn in This Week’s Podcast:

During today’s episode of the Scanner School Podcast, I take you through my spring/fall to do list.

  • This list can be done in the Spring or Fall to take an inventory of your equipment and maintenance needs.
  • This is a grounds-only observation, no need to get on a ladder if you aren’t comfortable.
  • Start with the antenna – they are basically the last junction point, so make sure it is in top shape.
  • Sometimes the radials can back out of the antenna and get lost, so make sure you haven’t lost any radials
  • If you have overhead antennas, make sure the anchor points are still solid.
  • Make sure your mast hasn’t twisted in the mounts.
  • If you do see a twisted bracket, twist the mast back to the right plane so there is no increased tension on the coax.
  • Make sure the masts have not bent.
  • When checking masts and mounting, make sure all the lag bolts have not snapped.
  • Make sure there are no nicks and your shielding is in place.
  • Also, make sure the coax dressing is in good condition.
  • Check how the coax is secured to the house.
  • Ensure it is elevated off the ground and free of vegetation.
  • Check where the coax comes into the house, make sure it is clean, sealed, and in good condition.
  • Make sure the ground wire is still there, running straight.
  • Make sure nothing has frayed, come apart, or gotten weak.


  • Links and Sources from this session:

East Coast Pagers

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Bonus Material:

Are you looking for your first scanner radio?

Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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