Mike Henson is relatively new to the scanner radio hobby, but has quickly found Military Aviation and Photographing to be a very interesting and rewarding hobby. (more…)
Did you know that you can monitor many of the military aviation transmissions and traffic that happens in the skies above us? What if I told you that with the right equipment, you can easily monitor hundreds of miles away? I’ll show you where to find milair frequencies, what scanner and equipment you’ll need, what you can expect to hear, and give you 5 tips at the end so you can feel like you're in the cockpit. (more…)
Today we have got a great guest on the podcast. I am happy to introduce you guys all to Dave Kalahar. Dave is not only a full-time RV, but he is also a retired commander in the Civil Air Patrol or CAP in the United States. Dave spent about 45 years in broadcasting and you are all in for a great podcast episode. (more…)
MilAir scanning - put your ears in the cockpit! Today's guest, Michael Man, is a big fan of Military Air monitoring. Since he lives close to a few training facilities, MilAir Scanning is one of this favorite past times. (more…)
Monitoring Aviation from a different point of view ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast) is the protocol used by airplanes to give their position beacons. This includes there altitude, location, heading, and Squawk Code. (more…)
Aviation Scanning - Don't let it go over your head! To someone who has never tuned the aviation band, all the rapid transmissions between aircraft and the controllers can sound like a mash of directions, numbers, letters, and frequencies. This session of the Scanner School will help you stay grounded while scanning the aviation band. (more…)