New Year’s Eve Scanning

New Year’s Eve Scanning

Why is one of my favorite nights to listen to the scanner radio New Years Eve? That is because my scanner allows me to get behind the scenes to the biggest New Years Eve party in the United States. Every year in Times Square, the ball drops at midnight and the entire event is televised on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years with Ryan Seacrest. Using my scanner, I'm able to hear the link between the director and the remote cameras and hosts.  I'm able to listen to them queue in the next shot and also hear them record "B-Roll" as soon as the sun goes down. But not only am I able to hear behind the scenes, but I'm also able to hear coordination from NYPD and DSNY. This podcast…
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Building Your Own Scanner with Joey Absi

Building Your Own Scanner with Joey Absi

Joey Absi talks about how he built his own scanner radio using a Raspberry Pi and Free Software. Joey's home built scanner went through several revisions before it became what it is today. And while most of what Joey built can be duplicated at home, he did design some of his own circuits to build a better version. If you need help building your own version of this radio, you can reach out to Joey using the details below: Radio Reference: MTL_Emergencies Twitter: (more…)
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This is why you need a Software Defined Radio

This is why you need a Software Defined Radio

Everyone needs a SDR in their scanner radio setup In this episode, Phil walks through the basics of what an SDR is, its history, and how you can get set up with one. Free SDR webinar! Our new webinar will introduce you to Software Defined Radios. "Why Every Scanner User Needs an SDR: The #1 Underrated Tool that should be in your setup" will be February 23, 2021. Register now at (more…)
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SDR and the Raspberry Pi

SDR and the Raspberry Pi

Running an SDR on a Raspberry PI with "Fuzz the Pi Guy" Today we welcome a new friend, "Fuzz the Pi Guy" Fuzz has a large YouTube channel and has a ton of SDR and Raspberry Pi Videos. Fuzz and I discuss how he uses his Software Defined Radios and how he keeps costs down by using a Raspberry Pi as as his computer for many of these projects. (more…)
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