Scanning on a Budget

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How to Scan Under a Budget with Nathan McMullan

Nathan joins the podcast today to discuss how he is able to enjoy the scanning hobby while sticking to a budget.



What you need to know

Getting start with scanning or sticking with the hobby on a limited budget can be a bit tricky.
With today’s high end scanners costing several hundreds of dollars, monitoring your local trunk systems can be a bit of a drain on your wallet.
Today’s guest, Nathan McMullan,  talks about how he is monitoring all his local activity, including a P25 Simulcast solution all on a budget.
We will be covering a lot of what Nathan and I spoke about in our SDR Workshop course.
To find out more about the course, and to register, please visit


Links and Sources from this session:

Scanner School Courses

DSD Plus

UniTrunker v1

Unitrunker v2

Baofeng RD-5R DMR Radio (affiliate link)

SDR Trunk

Radio Reference


Bonus Material:

Are you looking for your first scanner radio?

Download our new e-guide, “5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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Podcast Transcription:

(Coming Soon)


  • Alan White

    What about AOR (Authority on Radio) scanners? I’m understanding AOR’s are high quality receivers but not so good with digital modes and trunking. Is there a work around? Perhaps an aftermarket software package that will bring AOR’s up to the same level as Whistler’s?

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