
Home / Podcasts / PreAmplifiers

Preamplifiers could help you or hurt you depending on several factors

What you need to know

I have used preamps in the past and have seen mixed results.  There are certain situations where a preamp could be extremely helpful.

The ideal location for a PreAmplifier is as close to the antenna as possible.  You may not be able to place your pre-amp on your mast, so the next best place would before your radio’s connection.

All preamplifiers require a power connection.  If you are mast mounted, you will require a Bias-T or a dedicate line to power up your preamp.


I have ways you might be able to improve your station instead of investing in a preamp.

  • Pick a better antenna
  • Raise your antenna
  • Upgrade your coax to LMR-400
  • Make sure you are using the shortest coax run possible
  • Remove any splitters and replace them with multicouplers
  • Replace/Remove any bad jumpers


Links from this session:

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Scanner Master

Bonus Material:

Are you looking for your first scanner radio?

Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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