Jonathan Higgins from Scanner Master

Home / Podcasts / Jonathan Higgins from Scanner Master

Do you have what it takes to be a Scanner Master?

Jonathan Higgins is the Digital Media Communications Manager for Scanner Master.  He and I speak about his background in scanning, share some great stories, and talk about his “RailFan” experiences.

What you need to know

Jonathan and I also talk about the history of Scanner Master, which started 40 years ago.

We also discuss Scanner Master‘s current product lines and services, such as scanner radio programming, scanner sales, and radio packages.

As an affiliate for Scanner Master, I am happy to have Jonathan on the podcast so he can explain what makes Scanner Master a great company to buy from, why I’ve been a customer for the last 20 something years, and what I recommend their business.

Don’t forget to check out Jonathan’s websites, which are listed below in the links.

Links from this session:

Scanner School Resources Page

Scanner Master (affiliate link)

Scanner School $100 Scanner Master Gift Card

Scanner Master’s Facebook

Scanner Master’s YouTube

Scanner Master’s Twitter

Scanner Master Blog



Bonus Material:

Are you looking for your first scanner radio?

Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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Podcast Transcription:

(Coming Soon)


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