Ham Radio University 2019

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Ham Radio University

This week’s podcast is a recording of “An Introduction to Scanner Radio” from HRU 2019

What you need to know

Ham Radio University is an annual event on Long Island.  While most of the topics at the event are centered around Amateur Radio, not all of the forums are strictly geared to the Ham hobby.

There are plenty of talks and activities that can be used in the scanner radio hobby as well.

Today’s podcast is my presentation from HRU 2019.  While some of the presentation is geared to those of us on Long Island, many of the topics are useful no matter where you live.

If you have been a long time listener of the Scanner School podcast, this session will be a great refresher on some of the content that we talked about over the past year.


You can download the course material and also view the video presentation by visiting our HRU page

Bonus Material:

Are you looking for your first scanner radio?

Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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Podcast Transcription:

(Coming Soon)

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