What Can You Do When They Encrypt?

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On today’s episode, we talk about the encryption of police and fire department frequencies, and how to get around them and discover new frequencies in the process.



What You Will Learn in This Week’s Podcast:

  • My local police are encrypted and have been for years.
  • I work around this by finding other agencies and frequencies to monitor.
  • You can also listen to security radios at a concert venue to be in tune with things that might be happening at that place, like an overdose or chaotic behavior from concertgoers.
  • School bus companies can also be entertaining during school arrival/dismissal.
  • Aviation and railroads are also typically not encrypted, which can provide insight to the local police or fire departments being dispatched.
  • I am able to tune into a new frequencies with DSD+ and find other related frequencies.
  • I leave new frequencies on in the background just to see what he can hear.
  • The most fun way to find new frequencies is to see them in front of you on your computer with a SDR.

More info:

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Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”.   This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.

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Links and Sources from this session:

East Coast Pagers

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