Using Uniden’s Close Call
In this episode, I will explain the purpose of close call, shares examples of times I have used it successfully, and what the different close call settings on your scanner mean in practice.
What You Will Learn in This Week’s Podcast:
- Close call is an option on just about every available Uniden radio.
- It’s a way to find frequencies that are close to you with a very strong signal.
- Close call does not work over long distances or with weak signals.
- Close call won’t help you monitor local agencies while you’re traveling.
- It generally picks up signals for communication within a few hundred feet.
- I have used this feature in situations like when there’s a helicopter hovering overhead and he wants to know what’s going on.
- There are 3 ways to set your Uniden scanner for close call: Close call only, close call priority, and close call do not disturb.
- Changing things like your antenna, the height you’re trying to receive, and power levels can affect how well close call may work on your scanner.
More info:
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