Is this the end of the scanner radio hobby?

Is this the end of the scanner radio hobby?

Have we reached the end of the scanner radio hobby? I know many feel this way due to encryption and a lack of new scanner radio models being released. However, this hobby has been around for decades and there is no reason why we can’t enjoy this hobby in some form or another for decades to come.   (more…)
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Encryption?  No Problem!  with Kenneth Fowler

Encryption? No Problem! with Kenneth Fowler

Kenneth Fowler, a past guest several times over, is today’s guest on the podcast. Kenneth and I discuss how encryption has changed his scanning habits. His local police and fire have encrypted, but this has not stopped Kenneth from enjoying the scanner radio hobby. Today, Kenneth shares how he is scanning other agencies to gather the same information he would have received if he was listening to police or fire.   (more…)
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