Sharing one antenna with multiple scanners
There are many different way to share a single antenna with multiple radios. Many will get the job done, but we today we talk about the best way and the preferred way to share one antenna with multiple scanners
What you need to know
In this session, we discuss:
- What makes a multicoupler different than splitters
- The benefits of using multicouplers
- Why cable TV splitters are a bad idea
- Why we don’t use “T” connectors
- The difference between active and passive multicouplers
- Where to install a multicoupler
- What to look for when buying a multicoupler
- The Multicoupler that I use is a Stridesberg MCA208M.
- This multicouper support VHF/UHF from 25Mhz – 1GHz
- Is an active multicoupler, so there is no loss on the ports
- Requires 12vdc
- Allows 8 receivers to share a single antenna
- Don’t forget to purchase jumpers to hook up your scanners 😉
Links from this session:
Bonus Material:
Are you looking for your first scanner radio?
Download our new e-guide, “5 Thinks You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Scanner”. This free PDF is about 30 pages long and has 5 things you should look for, plus a few extra bonus items to make sure you make an educated purchase.
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